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Tealium can track conversions through the Rokt Web SDK, the Rokt Event API, or both.

Rokt Web SDK setup

To properly match conversions to campaign events, Rokt requires a customer identifier; either raw email, hashed email (SHA-256) or Rokt Tracking ID.

Including contextual data in your conversion reporting helps Rokt optimize your campaigns.

Add the Rokt Web SDK

  1. Log in to Tealium Customer Data Hub.
  2. Click iQ Tag Management > Tags.
  3. Click + Add Tag. Tealium_add_rokt_tag
  4. Search for Rokt.
  5. Click +Add. Tealium_add_rokt

Configure the Rokt Web SDK

Before you begin, please ensure you have your Rokt Account ID. To find yours, see the instructions here.

  1. Configure the following settings:
    • Rokt Account ID: Enter the Rokt account ID provided by your account manager.
    • Two-step Email (Optional - Ecommerce only): Select True if you would like to send an email on positive engagement.
    • Use Sandbox (Optional - Ecommerce only): Select True if you wold like to send events to a sandbox account for testing.
    • PUBLISH LOCATIONS: Select Yes or No for publish locations and whether you want to use the Bundle Flag.
      • Tag Timing: Determines the timing of the tag firing.
      • Send Flag: Determines whether or not this library has event level data sent to it for tracking.
      • Synchronous Load Type: Set when the library needs to load synchronously.
      • Custom Script Source: Set when the library that supports this tag is served from an alternate location.
  2. Click Next.

Create a Load Rule

Load Rules in Tealium determine when and where to load an instance of the Rokt Web SDK on your site.

  1. Click + Create Rule. Tealium_create_rule
  2. Enter the following information:
    • Name: Give your rule a descriptive name.
    • Notes: Enter any notes about the rule.
    • Variable: Select Domain.
    • Operator: Select equals.
    • Value: Enter the URL of the page you would like the Rokt tag to fire on.
  3. Click Done. Tealium_load_rules
  4. Click Next.

Data Mapping

Mapping is the process of integrating a data layer variable with the corresponding destination variable of the vendor tag.


The most common variable used is the JS emailAddress variable which the below process shows. Other variable categories are listed below.

  1. Click the dropdown and search for JS.
  2. Click the Use Custom Variable. Tealium_js_emai_custom
  3. Select Email and click Done.tealium_js_email_done
  4. Add any further variables as needed.

The categories Standard and Ecommerce in Tealium corelate to Core and Suplemental in Rokt.

The available categories are:


First Name(firstname)
Last Name(lastname)
Mobile Number(mobile)
Zip or Postal Code(zipcode)
Use Sandbox(sandbox)


Confirmation Number(confirmationref)This variable overrides the _corder variable.
Amount(amount)This variable overrides the _ctotal variable.
Currency(currency)This variable overrides the _ccurrency variable.
Payment Type(paymenttype)
List of Item Prices(price)[Array] This array overrides the_cprice variable.
List of Item Quantites(quantity)[Array] This array overrides the_cquan variable.
List of Item Major Categories(majorcat)[Array] This array overrides the_ccat variable.
List of Item Major Category IDs(majorcatid)[Array]
List of Item Minor Categories(minorcat)[Array] This array overrides the _ccat2 variable.
List of Item Minor Category IDs(minorcatid)[Array]
List of Product Names(productname)[Array] This array overrides the_cprodname variable.
List of Item SKUs(sku)[Array] This array overrides the_csku variable.
  1. Click Finish and you are returned to the Tags Dashboard.

Publish the Rokt Web SDK for Tealium

  1. From the Tags Dashboard, click Save/Publish.
  2. Enter a Title (mandatory).
  3. Enter version Notes (mandatory).
  4. Select where you would like to publish to Dev and/or QA and/or Prod.
  5. Click Publish. Tealium_publish_sdk

Rokt Event API set up

This connector uses the following API:

API information
API NameRokt API
API Version2020-05-21
API Endpoint
DocumentationROKT Event API

Batch Limits

This connector uses batched requests to support high-volume data transfers to the vendor. Requests are queued until one of the following three thresholds is met:

Request parameterThreshold
Max number of requests100
Max time since oldest request10 minutes
Max size of requests1 MB

Connector Actions

Send Conversion

Adding the connection to Rokt

  1. Log in to Tealium Customer Data Hub and click Event Stream > Event Connectors.
  2. Click Add Connector. Tealium_add_event_connector
  3. Search for and select the Rokt connector. Tealium_marketplace_rokt
  4. Click Continue. Tealium_events_continue
  5. The Data Source and Event Feed are automatically selected for you. Click Continue.
  6. Click Add Connector.
  7. Complete the following:
    • Name: Give the connector a name.
    • Notes: Make any notes as needed.
    • Client ID: Enter your App ID. Click for information on how to Generate your App ID and Secret.
    • Client Secret: Enter your App Secret.
    • Account ID - Enter the Rokt Account ID provided by your account manager.
  8. Click Done.
  9. Click Continue.
  10. Enter a name for the action and then select the action type from the drop-down menu.

Action — Send Conversion

Event Type(Required) Type of event.
Event IDAn identifier used to uniquely identify an event.
Event TimeTime of the event in UTC.
EmailEmail passed as plain text, lowercase and without trailing spaces.
Email - emailsha256 (already SHA256 hashed)SHA-256 hash of email address, already hashed.
Email - emailsha256 (apply SHA256 hash)SHA-256 hash of email address. Tealium will hash.
Rokt Tracking IDA Rokt-generated ID used to match conversion events to the originating click.
Conversion AmountTransaction amount.
Currency CodeCurrency code.
QuantityThe quantity (integer) of item within the specific conversion.
Conversion TypeUsed to differentiate between different conversion events.
Product NamesThe name of the product(s) purchased.
Product SKUsThe identifier of the product purchased (Note: Only accepts one SKU).
Payment TypeThe payment method used during the transaction.
Credit Сard BINCredit card BIN of converting payment.
MarginProfit margin of conversion.
Transaction IDTransaction ID, used to identify a unique transaction.
Confirmation Reference IDConfirmation reference ID.
Customer First NameCustomer's first name.
Customer First Name (already SHA256 hashed)SHA-256 hash of first name, already hashed.
Customer First Name (apply SHA256 hash)SHA-256 hash of first name. Tealium to hash.
Customer Last NameCustomer's last name.
Customer Last Name (already SHA256 hashed)SHA-256 hash of last name, already hashed.
Customer Last Name (apply SHA256 hash)SHA-256 hash of last name. Tealium to hash.
Mobile Phone NumberMobile phone number of converting customer.
Mobile Phone Number (already SHA256 hashed)SHA-256 hash of phone number, already hashed.
Mobile Phone Number (apply SHA256 hash)SHA-256 hash of phone number. Tealium to hash.
Customer IP AddressCustomer's IP address.
Customer IP Address (already SHA256 hashed)SHA-256 hash of customer's IP address, already hashed.
Customer IP Address (apply SHA256 hash)SHA-256 hash of customer's IP address. Tealium to hash.
User AgentBrowser user agent of converting customer.
Device TypeType of device.
Device Operating SystemDevice operating system.
OS VersionOperating system version.
Browser VersionBrowser version.
Customer TitleTitle of the customer.
Customer GenderGender of the customer.
Customer Date of BirthIn the format yyyymmdd.
Customer AgeAge of the customer.
LanguageLanguage associated with the purchase.
Unit NumberUnit number associated with address.
Address 1First line of street address.
Address 2Second line of street address.
Customer Postal CodeCustomer postal code.
Customer CityCustomer city.
Customer StateCustomer state.
Customer CountryCustomer country.
Meta DataNon-business critical information about the event.
  1. Complete Conversion Data and Meta Data sections as required. See POST Events for further information.
  2. Click Finish.
  3. Click Save and Publish.
  4. Give your Connector a Title and Description.
  5. Click OK.
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