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Event API

The Event API offers another option for advertisers looking to integrate conversion data with Rokt. Using the Event API, your backend server can securely connect to Rokt's, transmitting conversion data in real time.

Using the Event API as a standalone integration for conversion data provides multiple benefits:

  • Speed: Enables a fully automated, near-real time data exchange, maximizing the potential of Rokt’s automated optimization tools.
  • Coverage: Permits integration of events across all channels and devices, resulting in coverage for conversions across web, mobile, and in-store.
  • Reliability: As a server-to-server integration, the Event API is not susceptible to any interference by web technologies such as browser or ad blocking. It also supports error handling, ensuring that data is never lost.


Reach out to your Rokt account manager to create a public and secret key pair for the accounts for which you would like to submit conversion events. These keys take the form of rpub- and rsec- respectively.

Build your request headers

Rokt-Version2020-05-21YesAPI version for Rokt. Currently latest version is 2020-05-21.
Note: Leaving this header empty applies the latest version, which could potentially be backward incompatible. Invalid value would yield 400 bad request.
AuthorizationBasic base64(rpub-...:rsec-...)YesStandard basic authentication header, with the credential value being a base64 encoding of rpub- and rsec- joined by a colon.
Full endpoint reference

View full reference details for the Event API.


POST /v2/events
"accountId": "12345",
"events": [
"clientEventId": "ff3bd69c-ca74-4337-af91-4d5d0bd00e38",
"eventTime": "2020-05-22T10:21:29.339Z",
"eventType": "conversion",
"objectData": [
"name": "email",
"value": ""
"name": "transactionid",
"value": "123456789"
"name": "amount",
"value": "99.80"
"name": "currency",
"value": "USD"
"name": "quantity",
"value": "2"
"name": "conversiontype",
"value": "hotel_booking"
"name": "margin",
"value": "10"

Suggested objectData fields

The objectData object is made up of key-value pairs that contain metadata about the event. In order to properly attribute conversions, you must include one of email (email), SHA-256 hashed email (emailsha256), or Rokt ID (passbackconversiontrackingid) in objectData so that Rokt can identify the customer.

For the conversion reporting use case, we recommend you include the following attributes.

Field nameDescriptionExample
emailEmail passed as plain text, lowercase and without trailing
emailsha256SHA256 hash of email address. Prior to hashing, lowercase and without trailing spaces.fab1e2e699b3b927cbf875046a64f222 5df02d5cb306f3857424c2bbb87be61f
passbackconversiontrackingidAlso known as Rokt ID. A Rokt-generated ID used to match conversion events to the originating click. Requires a separate integration.1bc29b36f623ba82aaf6724fd3b16718
amountValue of the transaction (allows decimal points)100.25
currencyCurrency codeUSD
quantityThe quantity (integer) of item within the specific conversion4
conversiontypeUsed to differentiate between different conversion events. Note: Only applicable if the default conversion event type is provided.ticketpurchase, seatupgrade signup
productnameThe name of the product(s) purchased. You can separate multiple items with a comma.Maroon 5 t-shirt, Warriors vs. Raptors
skuThe identifier of the product purchased (Note: Only accepts one SKU)230847, tshirt-blue-39487, 398fhdnff
paymenttypeThe payment method used during the transactionVISA, American Express
marginProfit margin of conversion10
transactionidTransaction ID, used to identify a unique transaction. Note: If provided, Rokt uses this identifier to deduplicate conversion events across channels.ABC789
confirmationrefConfirmation reference ID. Alternate identifier that may be used to identify a unique transaction and/or track order confirmations. Note: If provided, Rokt uses this identifier to deduplicate conversion events and transactionid is unavailable.XYZ123
firstnameCustomer's first nameJohn
lastnameCustomer's last nameSmith
mobileMobile phone number of converting customer3053211654, +1 (323) 867-5309
ipaddressCustomer's IP address172.3.51.182
Custom attributes

Rokt has a data mapping system that allows us to map provided field names to our internal data fields, however we have some recommended field names and formatting requirements later in this article. If you would like to use alternate field names, let us know, and we will ensure your fields are managed accordingly. Additionally, we can accept any additional fields if you would like to provide them for reporting purposes.

Premium integration: Combining the Web SDK and Event API

If possible, we recommend setting up conversion reporting through both the Web SDK and Event API. This helps identify any anomalies and provides redundancy if there are any issues on the frontend or backend.

If you choose to set up both integrations, ensure you populate one of transactionid or confirmationref in both the Web SDK and Event API integrations. Rokt can then deduplicate incoming your conversion events using these variables, ensuring that your reporting is accurate.

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