Data attributes
To properly match conversions to campaign events, Rokt requires a customer identifier, either raw email, hashed email (SHA-256) or Rokt Tracking ID.
Including contextual data in your conversion reporting helps Rokt optimize your campaigns.
You can find the full list of predefined Rokt attributes in the sections below. You can also define any custom attributes for enhanced reporting.
Core attributes
Description | Attribute name | Format | Payload example |
string | | ||
Conversion Type | conversiontype | string | order |
First name | firstname | string | John |
Last name | lastname | string | Smith |
Confirmation reference | confirmationref | string | XYZ123 |
Billing Zip | billingzipcode | string | 10014 OR 10014-1234 |
Amount | amount | decimal | 300.5 |
Payment type | paymenttype | comma-seperated strings (platform, card brand, payment network). Pipes (|) separate split payments | Gift card | Chase, Visa |
Credit card BIN | ccbin | string | 372888 |
Mobile | mobile | string | 7325558585 |
Country | country | ISO Alpha-2 Country Code | Examples |
Language | language | string | EN |
Currency | currency | string | USD |
Age | age | integer | 28 |
Gender | gender | string | m |
Billing Address | billingaddress1 | string | 175 Varick St |
Billing Address Line 2 | billingaddress2 | string | Floor 10 |
City | city | string | New York |
State | state | string | New Jersey |
Quantity | quantity | number | 2 |
Margin | margin | amount | 10.5 |
Title | title | string | Ms |
Date of birth | dob | string | 19831215 |
Experience | experience | string | purchase |
Transactional data
Name | Attribute | Format | Payload example |
Major category | majorcat | string | Electronics |
Major category ID | majorcatid | string | 10011 |
Minor category | minorcat | string | Cameras |
Minor category ID | minorcatid | string | 10 |
Customer type | customertype | guest / member | guest |
Product name(s) | productname | string | HX99 Compact Camera with 24-720mm zoom, 24〜720mm |
Stock keeping unit (SKU) | sku | string | DSC-HX99 |
Shipping type | shippingtype | string | Priority Express |