Hashing Identifiers for Partners and Advertisers
Rokt is aware of the importance and sensitivity of personally identifiable information (PII) and takes care to preserve the confidentiality and security of your customers data.
For Partners, we offer the ability to integrate either raw or hashed attributes such as email, mobile, billing zipcode via Web or Mobile SDK for each transaction.
What is hashing?
Cryptographic hashes are functions that convert your data to a mix of numbers and letters which is practically impossible to reverse. They’re easy to generate, difficult to decipher, and unique for each value you hash. For example, slightly changing an email address generates a completely different hash value.
Get started
To get started, you just need a list with the customer data you'd like to hash, such as a subscriber email addresses, mobile phone number or billing zip.
Rokt’s rules for hashing emails
Rokt uses the SHA-256 algorithm, originally published by the United States National Security Agency in 2001, to hash data.
Rule | Notes |
Maximum length | 264 Bits |
Case | Lower case only |
Spaces | No spaces allowed |
Strip white space on sides | Remove all leading and trailing spaces |
Attribute | emailsha256 |
Rokt’s rules for mobile phone number
Rule | Notes |
Maximum length | 264 Bits |
Spaces | No spaces allowed |
Strip white space on sides | Remove all leading and trailing spaces |
Number Format | 10 digits, no symbols (e.g. '1234567890') |
Attribute | mobilesha256 |
Rokt’s rules for hashing zipcode
Rule | Notes |
Maximum length | 264 Bits |
Spaces | No spaces allowed |
Strip white space on sides | Remove all leading and trailing spaces |
Zipcode Format | zip4 (e.g. '12345-6789') or zipcode (e.g. '12345') |
Attribute | zip4sha256 or zipsha256 |
Billing Zipcode Format | billingzip4 (e.g. '12345-6789') or billingzipcode (e.g. '12345') |
Attribute | billingzip4sha256 or billingzipsha256 |
Rokt’s rules for hashing name
Rule | Notes |
Maximum length | 264 Bits |
Case | Lower case only |
Spaces | No spaces allowed |
Strip white space on sides | Remove all leading and trailing spaces |
Attribute | firstnamesha256 or lastnamesha256 |