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Add a placement

The Rokt Cordova SDK can be used by Rokt partners to display overlay placements, or by Rokt advertisers to record conversions for campaigns.

Before you begin

Ensure that the Rokt Cordova SDK has been integrated into your application.

Execute the Rokt Cordova SDK

execute the Rokt Cordova SDK to show your placement. successCallback returns a message parameter that allows you to track SDK events.

"email" : "",
"firstname": "Ginger",
"lastname": "Smith",
"mobile": "(555)867-5309",
"postcode": "90210",
"country": "US"
function(msg) {

// msg can be any of these
// 1. onLoad - your placement loads
// 2. onUnload - your placement unloads
// 3. onShouldHideLoadingIndicator - hook to show a loading indicator
// 4. onShouldShowLoadingIndicator - hook to hide a loading indicator
function(err) {


The Rokt Cordova SDK supports callbacks via Cordova Plugin Results. You can listen to the callback values in a function passed to the execute function:

"email" : "",
"firstname": "Ginger",
"lastname": "Smith",
"mobile": "(555)867-5309",
"postcode": "90210",
"country": "US"
function(callbackValue) {
switch (callbackValue) {
case "onLoad":
// onLoad
case "onUnLoad":
// onUnLoad
case "onShouldShowLoadingIndicator":
// onShouldShowLoadingIndicator
case "onShouldHideLoadingIndicator":
// onShouldHideLoadingIndicator
// default
function(err) {

Callback types


The onLoad callback will be called when the placement becomes loaded and interactive.


The onShouldShowLoadingIndicator will be called upon a successful execute call, just before the SDK triggers a call to the Rokt backend. It can be used to display progress views of loading indicators while waiting for the placement to load.


The onShouldHideLoadingIndicator callback will be called when the SDK obtains a success or failure response from the Rokt backend. It can be used to cancel progress views or loading indicators.


The onUnload callback will be called when the SDK closes the placement. It will also be triggered if the execute call fails.

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