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Rokt Ads Policies

Advertisers leverage Rokt to acquire customers at scale; in a channel with proven conversion propensity - the Transaction Moment. Rokt's platform helps advertisers achieve business outcomes by delivering relevant offers and experiences, thus increasing engagement and conversions. Furthermore, Rokt’s network unlocks access to billions of Ecommerce transactions and engaged customers.

Rokt supports the following campaign objective types for 3rd party Advertisers -

  • Traffic
  • App Install
  • Promotion
  • Credit Card Application

Creative Requirements

Rokt requires that all advertising copy on our platform meets professional standards.

We do not allow:

  • Unnecessary repetition (“deals, deals, deals”).
  • Excessive punctuation, symbols, or characters (#, $, ;-), !).
  • Gimmicky punctuation, incorrect spelling, or incorrect grammar.
  • Improper capitalization—including for emphasis words such as FREE or CHEAP.
  • Improper capitalization of non-proper nouns. Rokt will determine case-by-case if a noun should be a proper noun.
  • Incorrect or excessive spacing—e.g., winaprize, or spaces between words (e.g., w i n).
  • Non-standard spelling or grammar for the market where the campaign is running, e.g., "Realize your dream" instead of “Realise" for a UK campaign.
  • Use of italic, bold, or other modified fonts.
  • Creative titles that only refer to the customer’s name '{rokt.firstname|}!'.
  • Obscene or profane language including swear or curse words and related misspellings.
  • Sexually suggestive language.

Notable exceptions:

  • When a Brand offering (e.g., ABC Bank Everyday Cash Card) is capitalized as a result of Brand product branding and marketing, we may align our creative capitalization with that of the Brand, provided that the capitalization is also consistent with their website.
  • An asterisk “*” is allowed when referring to the Disclaimer. The Disclaimer should begin with an asterisk as well.

Call to Action (CTA) Requirements

We require all creatives to include a positive call to action (CTA). The most common on our platform is ‘Yes please’ and its non-English equivalent (e.g. Sí, por favor; Oui, merci; Ja, bitte, はい、お願いします). The response copy must not be a term that could be confused with broader Partner site navigation commands (e.g., next, continue, proceed, advance). The only permissible negative call to action is “No thanks” and its non-English equivalent (e.g. Nein, danke; Non, merci; 結構です). The call to action is limited to 20 characters.

Approval decision examples
Example creativesApproval decision
Click for the latest fashion trends and hottest sales! Get 10% off your first purchase.Rejected—Advertiser brand missing
ABC Apparel has the latest fashion trends and hottest sales! Get 10% off your first purchase.Approved—the Advertiser and offer are clearly articulated.
Purchase a new phone for $10 from Acme Company.Rejected—Not clear that the offer is condition dependent.
Purchase a new phone for $10 on a 24 month plan from ABC Company. Terms & Conditions.Approved—Clear to the user what will happen next and acknowledges the conditions associated with the offer. Note: Terms & Conditions will be a clickable link.
You've been chosen by Partner name to get four tickets to ABC cinema for a dollar. Find out how!Rejected—Suggests affiliation and recommendation on the Partner’s behalf.
Acme Apparel has the latest fashion trends and hottest SALES! Get 10% off your first purchase.Rejected—Inappropriate capitalization in the word SALES
Win a free balloon from Acme Company. Click yes please to find out more!!!Rejected—Repeat exclamation marks.

Offer format requirements

Standard FormatBenefits FormatSavings Format
TitleUp to 50 charactersUp to 80 charactersUp to 125 characters (recommended <100)
CopyUp to 175 characters, less characters used in titleN/AN/A
BenefitsN/A3 benefits, up to 50 characters eachN/A
Promotion or discount amountN/AN/AExpressed as a dollar amount
Image type permittedLogo, Product Image, Credit Card ImageLogo, Credit Card ImageLogo, Credit Card Image

Image Requirements

As a Brand, you’ll show a logo or product image alongside your creative text in some layouts. Given the native nature of Rokt Ads, many Advertisers choose to use their logo.

Remember: An image is not guaranteed to show, so the creative text must communicate the message and adhere to the broader campaign policies independently to the image.

We recommend that you use a high-quality version of any logo or images to be sure they render well on devices with retina display.

Logo requirementsProduct image requirementsCredit card image requirements

File format: .png, .jpg

Ratios: 1.91:1 to 1:1

Max file size: 2MB

Minimum: 600 x 314.

Recommended: 1200 x 1200

Transparency: Recommended - not providing a transparent background will limit creative reach.

White space: Logo must take up at least 80% of the overall image area

File format: .png, .jpg

Ratios: 1:1, 1.91:1

Max file size: 2MB

Square (1:1) Minimum: 600 x 600 Recommended: 1200 x 1200

Landscape (1.91:1) Minimum: 600 x 314 Recommended: 1200 x 628

Transparency: Not required

File format: .png, .jpg

Ratios: 1.91:1

Max file size: 2MB

Minimum: 600 x 314

Recommended: 1200 x 628

Transparency: Recommended

Image policies:

To ensure an optimal experience for your customers, please apply the following policies:

  • Logos can be the brand or product logo/name and take up at least 80% of the overall image area. We recommend a transparent background. We also accept a solid white (#ffffff) background, although this may limit reach on the Rokt platform.
  • A product image must be directly related to your product or service. For example, a smiling face is acceptable for a dental product/service, but unacceptable for food subscription. Rokt has complete discretion when deciding what is appropriate.
  • A logo can be superimposed over a product image, as long as it’s legible when the image is scaled down to 600px wide. Specifically, the superimposed logo must take up >20% of the total image area.
  • Images and/or logos must be static, not animated.
  • All meaningful contents of the image must be clear and legible when the image is scaled to 600px width. E.g. Illegible cardholder name on a credit card is acceptable.
  • Text can not be overlaid onto a product image; text appearing naturally in ithe mage is acceptable if related to the product or brand.
  • Images and/or logos must comply with Rokt’s broader campaign policies, including policies around prohibited, sensitive, and illegal content. As a general rule, any image that depicts violence, harm, discrimination or could evoke discomfort or distress is unacceptable. Our approval committee will use their discretion when reviewing any questionable images.
  • Brands must own the rights to the image and watermarks are unacceptable.

Example logos:

Square logo (1:1)Square symbol logo (1:1)

T&Cs, Privacy & Disclaimer

Additional terms and conditions or privacy policies, may be utilized at the Brand's discretion, or if required by Rokt. Brands can upload content to Rokt so that it displays within the Rokt layout or provide an external page/s on their site. In either scenario, the customer navigates to the content via clickable text (Terms & Conditions, Privacy Policy) which appears alongside the offer.

A disclaimer, which is displayed in full below the offer, may also be utilized.

FeatureDefinitionExample Use Cases
Terms & ConditionsAny applicable rules related to the Brand’s offer. General terms of use should be covered on the Brand’s site and are not a valid use for Terms & Conditions.If a customer is entitled to 10% off, the Terms & Conditions must explicitly state all caveats to the offer (e.g., $100 minimum spend, new customers only, expires Jan. 1).
DisclaimerProvides further clarity, especially the limitations and caveats, i.e., fine print. Disclaimers must be fewer than 100 characters in length. Disclaimers must not include URLs - instead, refer to T&Cs for more informationFine print for an offer that may be required by law to be disclosed alongside the offer.
Privacy PolicyDisclosure on the handling of customers' data and related privacy concerns. May include data usage, storage, transmission, deletion, etc.Disclosing how customer data will be used in cases where a customer may be inputting their PII data.

Coupon Requirements

Coupons and coupon codes must be linked to the Brand and creative such that they are consistent with the customer’s consent and expectations when received via email.

Brands are prohibited from using the name "Rokt" in any coupon codes to unlock discounts. "Rokt" is an intermediary technology and not intended for direct consumer-facing promotions. All coupon codes must be free of references to "Rokt" to ensure compliance with this policy.

Landing Page Requirements

Creatives must include a hyperlink to the Brand’s landing page. Rokt sets and enforces policies around links and their associated landing pages.

Links and landing pages must:

  • Use HTTPS protocol.
  • Contain offers matching and relevant to those indicated in the creative copy.
  • Be viewable in commonly used browsers like Chrome, Safari, Edge and FireFox.

Links and landing pages must not:

  • Contain any deceptive or prohibited content or techniques.
  • Contain any personally identifiable information (PII).
  • Link to a page where the back button is disabled or which interferes with a customer’s capacity to navigate.

Other requirements:

  • Brands must not substantively update their linked landing pages without notifying their Rokt account manager or emailing

Nurture Requirements (Email & SMS)

Partner branded Customer Confirmation Emails (CCEs) may be used to support a Rokt Ads campaign to remind the customer of how to access their offer. CCEs are a “transactional email” rather than a conventional “bulk marketing email”. The difference is that a “transactional email” is a direct response to a customer trigger (click/referral) and contains highly valuable information necessary for a customer to take the next step. For this reason, the offer should be differentiated from the Brand’s standard marketing offer such that it brings additional value to the customer. This may be in the form of a coupon code, promo code, differentiated landing page and/or offer with an expiry date.

CCEs should not be used to support Rokt Ads campaigns with generic branding messages or offers that do not provide the customer with additional value. For example, the offer should not be generally available from the Brands’ (product) home page (which is easily searchable) or require entry into a sweepstake (offer not guaranteed).

CCEs must:

  • Only include 1 email in the nurture sequence.
  • Be sent within one hour of the referral.
  • Include the brand name in the title copy within the body of the email.
  • Clearly articulate the offer without superfluous information.
  • Comply with campaign editorial guidelines.

Note that the CCE sender domain, name, subject line, header and footer are all controlled by the Partner.

Audience Targeting Requirements

Rokt allows Brands to show campaigns to specific groupings of customers. Rokt sets policies to ensure that personalization is appropriate, measured, and does not negatively impact the customer experience. As such, Brands must not:

  • Use sensitive personal information (defined below) for the purpose of forming audiences and targeting.
  • Present campaigns or links to any sites that contain, assert, or imply knowledge (whether true or not) of any sensitive personal information.
  • Target customers for which their products or services are not suitable or appropriate. For example, alcohol Brands must restrict age targeting to appropriate age in the market, i.e., 21+ in the US.
  • Target, or upload the data of, children under 16.

What is Sensitive Personal Information?

Sensitive personal information is considered, in its broadest sense:

  • Sexual behavior or orientation.
  • Racial or ethnic information.
  • Political affiliation.
  • Trade union membership.
  • Religion or religious/philosophical belief.
  • Negative financial status or personal hardship.
  • Health or medical information such as health conditions, treatments or procedures.
  • Status as a child under 16.
  • Status of having committed or allegedly committed any crime.
  • Divorce or marital separation.

This includes all information, whether or not it is correct, or whether actual or inferred.

Audience Targeting with Custom Audiences

Brands may use custom audiences to target or suppress an individual across the Rokt network.

To positively target a known individual, a Brand must have that individual’s explicit consent to market to them. That is, the customer should reasonably expect to hear from the Brand due to a pre-existing relationship where the customer provided marketing consent and shared their PII. The Brand can then integrate the PII required to target (e.g., phone or email) with Rokt as a customer list from their CRM or in real time via a Rokt SDK or API integrated with their website or systems.

To retarget a group of unknown individuals (e.g., website visitors), a Brand can rely on device or other non-PII identifiers (e.g., Rokt ID) provided the target group includes at least 1,000 individuals and the customers do not receive invasive messaging about specific behaviors.

To exclude (suppress) customers using targeting, a Brand can use either PII or device based IDs without needing explicit customer consent or minimum target group size..

Data protection, Privacy & Security

Any personal information or personal data Brands receive that is collected from customers via a campaign on the Rokt network must not be:

  • Disclosed, sold, rented, forwarded, made public.
  • Shared in any way with any other third party.
  • Used other than to facilitate the services that the customer has consented to participate in or receive from the Brand as specified in the campaign creative.

When storing, transferring and managing this personal information or personal data, all necessary precautions must be taken to prevent a possible data breach and protect against misuse of its consented purpose.

Rokt does not knowingly collect Personal Information from or about children under the age of 16. If we learn that we have collected Personal Information of a child under the age of 16, we will delete that data from our systems. Brands must not knowingly use any personal data about children under the age of 16 when running campaigns on the Rokt network and must cease marketing to any customer referred from the Rokt network if it later becomes evident the customer is under 16.

Performance Thresholds


Rokt utilizes a variety of measures to monitor performance. Most notably we enforce a minimum Quality Score (QS) cut off to ensure a minimum level of customer relevance and client value. Any creative that falls below the level isn’t eligible to display. Minimum thresholds are defined by Rokt and can vary by region and partner. We also monitor bounce rate from the landing page - indicating a disconnect in the customer expectations. Whilst bounce rates are factored into ROKT AI predictions, we may take action to pause a campaign if bounce rates are excessively high.

Nurture Emails

The performance of nurture email campaigns, measured through their Unsubscribe Rate, will be actively monitored to ensure they meet the expectations of customers and avoid compromising email sender domains and deliverability. Users will be notified via email and in Rokt One Platform once the warning threshold is reached.

Nurture emails will be automatically paused when the pause threshold is reached, with automated alerts delivered to the campaign account manager via email. The campaign audience will continue to run provided coupon delivery is not required. If coupon delivery is required, and all nurtures are paused, the campaign audiences will also be paused to ensure the customer expectation is met. Paused email creatives due to underperformance are unable to be re-enabled. Instead, a new email creative must be created and approved before setting live.

Unsubscribe Rate Thresholds (based on rolling 30 days of data):

Email TypeWarning ThresholdPause Threshold*
Customer Confirmation Emails1%2%
Nurture Emails1%2%

*Note that there is a minimum volume of 2,500 sends before pause thresholds are enabled for a given campaign.

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