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Attribute targeting

Attribute targeting allows you to target audiences according to the values of customer attributes provided by the partner. You can create, edit, and delete attribute targeting rules for your audiences in One Platform. Attribute targeting is intended for targeting an audience by more granular criteria than the more general targeting controls like country or age.

Configuring attribute targeting

You can set up attribute targeting on the Targeting step of the audience wizard.

Attribute Targeting

Select Yes to expose additional controls.

Attribute Targeting


In most cases, Include/Exclude invert the logic for that particular rule. Take the following example:

Attribute Targeting

In this example, the audience is available for individuals who match all of the rules:

  1. If the payment type provided by the partner equals "Credit Card", and

  2. Not that the CC BIN provided by the partner is in "123456, 123457"

Please ensure that you correctly set your attribute targeting rules, as incorrect rules may result in the exclusion of some or all potential customers.

Important note

There is a critical difference between include (is not in) and exclude (is in):

  • Include (is not in): The audience is only included if the partner has provided value for CC BIN, and we can confidently say that it is not in the list.
  • Exclude (is in): The audience is included if the partner has provided a value for CC BIN and it is not in the list, but it is also included if the partner has not provided a value for CC BIN.

Attribute name

The Attribute name field contains all of the Rokt-defined attributes that are available for targeting. If there are other attributes you would like to use for targeting, please contact your account manager or Rokt customer support.

Why do some attributes show a warning?

This occurs if you select an attribute which is not included in one more targeting subcategories. For example, if you specify "Airline Carrier", but have selected every category, the warning will indicate that the selected attribute is only available for the Travel category. Even though all categories are selected, the audience will never be available for users to see the widget on a partner’s site outside of the Travel category.


An explanation for each of the conditions, and examples of what is considered TRUE and FALSE for each, are shown in the table below.

Conditions explained:

equalsValue provided by partner is exactly the same as value specified in rule“rokt” equals “rokt” is TRUE
“rokt” equals “r0kt” is FALSE
is inValue provided by partner is exactly the same as any value specified in a comma-separated list in the rule“100” is in “98,99,100,101” is TRUE
“100” is in “98-101” is FALSE
containsValue provided by partner contains the value specified in rule“supercalifragilistic” contains “cali” is TRUE
“supercalifragilistic” contains “california” is FALSE
ends withValue provided by partner ends with the value specified in rule“superman” ends with “man” is TRUE
“superman” ends with “fireman” is FALSE
existsValue is provided by partner
outside # days from todayValue provided by partner is a date which is more than the specified number of days in the future from today than the value specified in rule“2019/10/26” outside # days from today “30” is TRUE
“2019/02/18” outside # days from today “30” is FALSE
within # days of todayValue provided by partner is a date which is less than the specified number of days in the future from today than the value specified in rule“2019/03/08” within # days of today “10” is TRUE
“2019/10/26” within # days of today “10” is FALSE
number greater thanValue provided by partner is a number greater than the value specified in rule“5” number greater than “3” is TRUE
“5” number greater than “5” is FALSE
number less thanValue provided by partner is a number less than the value specified in rule“5” number less than “8” is TRUE
“5” number less than “5” is FALSE
matches regular expressionValue provided by partner matches regular expression specified in rule
Regular expression (regex) allows for complex matching rules, to support extensive flexibility. Note that there is no comprehensive validation of the regex, and it is possible for users to create rules which conflict with other targeting settings (e.g., demographics, location).
does not {other condition}Value provided by partner does not meet the conditions“integration” does not contain “connection” is TRUE
“integration” does not contain “tion” is FALSE
“Integration” does not end with “gral” is TRUE
“integration” does not end with “tion” is FALSE

Custom rules

Custom rules support the targeting of custom attributes for internal campaigns, or strategic partnerships. Only Rokt staff can add, edit, or delete custom rules. All users can view the rule, but for general users the fields are read-only.

Multiple rules

Audiences with multiple attribute targeting rules target individuals who match all of the specified rules, and are also represented with the AND logical conjunction. Functionally, this means both this condition and this other condition must be true. Expressed visually in the diagrams below, each circle represents a rule, and the red section are the individuals who match all of the rules.

  • Two rules:

Attribute Targeting

  • Three rules:

    Attribute Targeting

How do I target an audience if it matches any of the conditions (attribute A OR attribute B)?
  • This is not possible in the initial release of attribute targeting.
  • You can achieve this by creating additional audiences for the alternate rule configurations.
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