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Campaign and marketplace controls

Manage the offers on your page

There are two offer strategies that dictate where an offer can appear on the Rokt network:

  1. Rokt Ecommerce: These offers are from your own brand and only show on your website.
  2. Rokt Ads: These are third-party offers from advertisers marketing to customers on Rokt partner sites.

Offers also have an objective that represents the ultimate goal of a marketing campaign. For example, if you are looking for brand awareness and lead generation, we recommend directing traffic to your site through a traffic or hybrid campaign. If your goal is to drive loyalty and engagement with your brand or promote repeat purchase behavior, it would be more appropriate to sign up customers to your email program or prompt them to install your app.

Deciding what offers are allowed to show on a placement is a balance between generating additional value and ensuring a positive customer experience. Typically the decision about what is right to show on a page in the checkout flow is different to a page appearing post transaction.


Consider the experience on the product selection or upsell page of an ecommerce site. A common strategy is to exclude third-party offers and promote loyalty driving actions through internal offers, the focus being improving average order value and cart completions. Comparatively, the confirmation page presents a great opportunity to maximize value through third-party offers.

How it works

If you select Internal offers only, only your brand’s Rokt Ecommerce campaigns show on associated placements. The opposite is true when you select External offers only. This excludes your internal offers and restricts the placement to only showing third-party offers from the Rokt marketplace.

Regardless of whether you allow internal or external offers to show, the campaign objective must also be allowed for an offer to be eligible to appear.


You may be running two separate internal campaigns, one email and the other app install. For both offers to be eligible to appear on your placement, both campaign objectives must be allowed in your campaign control settings.

Similarly, you can exclude certain types of offers from appearing on your placement when you think the behavior of that offer is inappropriate for your brand or ineffective in promoting the sale of your products or services on the page where the offer appears.

Control the allowed offers for a specific placement

Campaign controls lists are shareable configurations of allow/block rules that are associated to a placement. Rokt provides a default campaign control list with every account, containing standard allow/block rules for the campaign types and minimum quality score. New lists can be created with variations of these controls to suit the objective of the associated placements. Every new placement inherits the default list, but can be associated to any offer control list within the account.

Prioritized campaigns exist as separate objects to campaign controls. They should be placement specific and work in tandem with the defined campaign and marketplace controls. Prioritized campaigns that do not match the allow/block rules for that placement are not eligible to show.

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