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Assign financial responsibility

Before you begin

It is best practice to apply the agency commission to your account as the first measure to ensure all your amounts are considered inclusive of commission.

Requesting financial responsibility

  1. Go to the Billing page for the child account.

Request Financial Responsibility 2. Click Billing Setup.

Request Financial Responsibility 3. Click Assign Billing Responsibility to another account.

Request Financial Responsibility 4. Enter the account details of the parent account. Make sure the details match exactly.

Request Financial Responsibility 5. Click Assign.

Request Financial Responsibility 6. Financial responsibility has been requested.

Request Financial Responsibility

Accepting financial responsibility

  1. Go to the Billing page for the parent account and click Billing Setup.

Accept Financial Responsibility 2. To accept commission, click Accept.

Accept Financial Responsibility 3. From the window that appears, click Accept to confirm that you accept financial responsibility.

Accept Financial Responsibility 4. You have accepted financial responsibility for this account.

Accept Financial Responsibility

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