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Upsells reporting

Monitor your campaign performance in the Overview tab of the app.

Use the date picker to view performance metrics for a specific time period. A comparison against the time period immediately before is calculated for each metric. For example, if you’re viewing the Last 7 days and the date range is January 8 - 14, it will compare performance to the previous 7 days (January 1 - 7).

shopify reports

PerformanceMonitor performance for your confirmation page placement with these metrics.
RevenueUpsell revenue is generated every time a customer purchases an upsell offer. This includes the value of the upsell item(s) and does not include the amount of their initial purchase.
ImpressionsAn upsell impression is recorded for every Rokt upsell offer displayed on-screen.
ConversionsA conversion is recorded every time a customer purchases the upsell offer.
Conversion rateThe percentage of upsell impressions that resulted in a conversion.
Top campaignsView which of your campaigns have generated the most revenue from purchases on the upsell page. Conversions is the number of times a product from the collection was purchased.
Top productsView which of your products have generated the most revenue from purchases on the upsell page. Conversions is the number of times the product was purchased.
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