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Rokt glossary

Review definitions for common ecommerce, marketing, and Rokt-specific terms.


Activity per Transaction (APT)

Total activity generated by Rokt averaged over the number of transactions.


A conversion event (or outcome) where a customer is acquired by an advertiser. A customer acquisition can be recorded only once per unique customer per advertiser. Click through acquisition is an acquisition that can be attributed to a click (referral). View thru acquisition is an acquisition that can be attributed to an impression.


Companies that create campaigns and drive customer acquisition using Rokt Ads.

Advertiser and provider data

Data provided by Rokt’s Advertiser or Provider clients to (for example) confirm conversions or suppression/exclusion lists.

Application Programming Interface (API)

A set of rules or protocols that enables software applications to communicate with each other to exchange data, features and functionality.

Average Order Value (AOV)

The average amount spent by customers per order (transaction). It is calculated by dividing total revenue by the total number of orders.

AOV = Client Revenue ÷ Transactions


The process by which a conversion event is matched to a corresponding campaign event (typically a referral). This is often referred to as ‘close the loop’ when setting up a campaign.

Attribution rules

Rule(s) specified in a Measurement Group which determine if a Conversion is valid for attribution to a Campaign Event. Rules are based on parameters passed via the Rokt integration on the Conversion Event (e.g., Product Type, URL etc).

Attribution window

The maximum period of time that may elapse between a campaign event and conversion, in order for the conversion to be attributed to a Rokt campaign.


A group of users you want to target with offers from a campaign based on targeting criteria such as gender, age, and location.


Bid price

The amount an advertiser is prepared to pay for a referral on the Rokt platform for a particular target audience.

Billing type

The event that causes an advertiser to incur spend on the Rokt platform. The most common billing type is cost per referral, meaning spend is incurred when Rokt generates a referral for the advertiser.


Clients that create campaigns to drive customer acquisition or engagement using Rokt Ads (3rd party campaigns) or Rokt Ecommerce (1st party campaigns)

Budget Optimization

Budget Optimization is a tool developed by Rokt to help efficiently manage spend throughout a budget period. It adjusts an advertiser’s bid based on predicted transaction volumes and the allocated budget. This prevents the advertiser’s budget from exhausting too early, and can capitalize on potentially more cost-effective impressions and referrals later in the period.



A collection of audiences and creatives that share the same marketing objective and draw from the same budget.

Content controls

A way for partners to select the types of campaigns that should show on their site, including eligible campaign strategies and objectives.

Campaign objective

The intended outcome of a positive interaction with a campaign. Common objectives include: visiting a website, installing an application, or signing up to an email list.

Campaign policies

The policies with which Rokt Ads and Ecommerce clients, when using Rokt’s Services, are directed to comply by Rokt as published at including any future policies as adopted by Rokt from time to time.

Campaign strategy

Where the offers of a campaign can show: on one’s own site or on third-party sites from the Rokt partner network.


A cart is a place where customers can reserve the items they want temporarily for purchase later. A cart is created when the first item is added. A cart can either be completed when a consumer completes the purchase or abandoned when the user fails to complete the purchase.

Cart conversion rate

Measure of the number of carts created compared to the number of carts that progressed to a successful purchase.

Cart item purchases

Total number of add-to-cart campaign items purchased.

Click thru acquisitions

The number of acquisitions (first conversions) for customers based on the day the impressions occurred.

Click-thru acquisition (conv. time)

The number of acquisitions (first conversions) for customers based on the day the acquisitions occurred. This is not a recommended measure of campaign performance.

Click-thru acquisition amount fill rate

The percentage of attributed click-thru acquisitions with conversion value. Total click-thru acquisition amount, ROAS (click-thru acquisitions), and AOV (click-thru acquisitions) will not be displayed when the fill rate is below 70%.

Click thru conversion

A total count of conversions for customers based on the day the referrals occurred.

Click thru conversion (conv. time)

A total count of conversions for customers based on the day the conversions occurred. This is not a recommended measure of campaign performance.


When a customer fulfills an offer from the Rokt network.

Conversion amount fill rate

The percentage of attributed click-thru conversions with conversion value. Total conversion amount, ROAS (conversions), and AOV (conversions) will not be displayed when the fill rate is below 70%.

Conversion attribution

The process of associating campaign events to advertiser conversions.

Cost per acquisition (CPA)

The amount an advertiser pays for each customer that converts as a result of viewing an offer.

Cost per impression (CPI)

Measures the cost incurred by an advertiser for each impression generated.

Cost per referral (CPR)

The amount an advertiser pays for each customer that positively engages with an offer.


An offer that you present to customers. It includes the offer copy (your message) and the responses (actions that the customer can take, including at least one positive option and one negative option). Depending on the type of campaign and the placements, it can also include additional settings such as a destination URL for traffic campaigns.

Creative Experiments

A tool used by partners to test different page variants and customer experiences.

Custom audience

A list of customers most commonly provided by a client for targeting or suppression purposes. Custom Audience files contain customer identifiers (e.g., hashed email) from which targeting and suppression is managed.


'End customer' as defined in the Partner Agreement.


Derived data

Data Rokt captures from (a) interactions of customers with Rokt Layouts (e.g., positive /negative responses), (b) customer insight based on other data (e.g., gender from first name), (c) device based tracking data and (d) operational data (e.g., browser and device information).



Occurs when a page or an element on a page (e.g Variant, Layout, Offer) has been determined as available to compete for selection.

Embedded layout

A layout associated with an HTML element on a partner's site that renders natively as a part of the page.

Engagement rate

The percentage of customers that engaged either positively or negatively with an offer.


Flutter SDK

A software development kit that enables Rokt advertisers to record in-app conversions, and partners to display in-app layouts within Flutter applications.

Frequency cap

The number of days after a customer visit during which a placement or layout will be suppressed for that same customer.


Gross cost

Cost incurred inclusive of agency commissions.

Gross profit

The total earnings generated by a Advertiser/Provider/Partner from what a customer spends in a purchase or series of purchases. Where gross profit is not passed by a client we often apply an agreed margin to their sales revenue.


Hashed email address

A digital identifier that can be used to uniquely recognize a customer online, while maintaining their anonymity. Hashed email address is created by applying a hashing algorithm, like SHA-256, to a regular customer email address. The output is a fully anonymized string of characters that ecommerce companies like Rokt can use to identify a customer.


A holdout population of customers who are not exposed to a Rokt placement or experience.



Occurs when a page or an element on the page (e.g., variant, layout, offer) completes loading and is visible to a customer.


A Rokt tool that creates a control group to calculate the number of customers who would have converted even without seeing a Rokt offer. Incrementality can tell you how much incremental lift Rokt brings to your advertising activities.


A software development kit that enables Rokt advertisers to record in-app conversions and partners to display in-app layouts within native iOS applications.



Layout is the object that defines the visual representation (UI) of offers on a partner's site. A Layout gives the partner control over the look, feel and styling of their transacting Customer’s experience.

Layout impression

A count of the number of layout impressions recorded. A layout impression is recorded when a layout completes loading and has been rendered.


Measurement group

Measurement Groups are the mechanism used at Rokt to support performance reporting on the set of Campaigns which represent a Client’s goal.

Minimum quality score (Min QS)

The minimum expected value threshold in order to display an offer in position 2+ to the customer.

Multipage application

A web application (or website) that unloads each page between navigations and reloads all resources again when arriving on the next page.


Negative engagement

A count of offer or placement impressions where a customer has interacted (clicked) with negative response button/s.

Net cost

Cost incurred by a client exclusive of agency commissions. This is representative of the actual campaign costs on Rokt's platform.


Rokt's network of premium publishers (or partners) where third-party offers are displayed.

Network adjustment

An adjustment applied to network activity to account for non-billable activity. Typically applied as a percentage of network activity (fka ‘scrub rate’) to calculate Rokt Revenue.

Network controls

A way for partners to control the types of advertisers (by industry or domain name) that are eligible to show on their site.


Pages or placements that are not part of a typical transaction flow, like a customer profile or newsletter sign-up confirmation page.

Non billable activity

Adjustments applied to campaign cost for activity that will never be realized by Rokt as Rokt revenue. This includes rebates, credits, and other advertiser incentives as well as bad debts.

Nurture clicks

Number of unique customers that click on a link within a nurture email.

Nurture conversions

Number of conversions that occur when the last action prior to the conversion for the advertiser’s campaign was clicking on a link in a nurture.

Nurture Journey

A series of email or SMS messages delivered after a customer positively engages with an offer. A Nurture Journey can be used to remind customers of the offer and drive them toward conversion.

Nurture opens

Number of times a nurture email was opened, with a maximum of one open per customer. Open rate is the number of opens relative to the number of sends.

Nurture sends

Number of emails or SMS sent to customers in response to a referral.

Nurture steps

Number of steps (e.g., email, SMS) sent in a nurture journey.

Nurture unsubscribes

Number of email unsubscribes. Unsubscribe rate is the number of unsubscribes relative to the number of sends.



The value to the customer as advertised by a creative.

Overlay layout

A layout that displays offers by rendering over a partner's native page content.



Defined by partners to represent different stages of the Transaction Journey. Example page types include upsell, payment, shipping, and confirmation.

Page Experiments

A tool used by advertisers to run controlled A/B tests to compare the performance of different creatives.

Page variant

The combination of placements & layouts for a particular page. A page variant could also indicate a version of a page with no placements. Partners can define multiple page variants, and Rokt can select the best page variant for each customer to maximize the partner’s objectives.


Ecommerce companies that use Rokt Ecommerce on their sites or apps to display third-party offers or drive customer engagement.

Partner Data

Any data on a customer held by the Rokt Ecommerce client, which the client chooses to integrate with Rokt.

Personally identifiable information (PII)

Data points that can be used to identify a customer. Examples include customer name, email, or phone number.


A location (element) on your page used for displaying offers to a customer on your site. It is a discrete object that exists, can be selected, reported on, etc.


The order in which offers are displayed within a layout. Each layout can have one or more positions, as defined by the partner.

Positive layout engagements​

A count of layouts where a user has interacted (clicked) with positive response button/s.

Positive layout engagement rate

A rate for the number of layout Impressions that resulted in at least one referral (Positive Layout Engagement).


A business seeking to leverage distributed commerce to sell their product or service in a Rokt partner ecommerce site as part of the checkout flow.

Pricing strategy

The strategy that a campaign uses to bid for placement during an auction. Rokt offers two pricing strategies: manual and Smart Bidding.


Quality Score

Rokt’s rating of the relevance and expected value of a campaign to a partner. Quality Score is a combination of maximum bid price and expected engagement rate and determines the winner of the auction.

Customer consent obtained where it is clear what the offer is, who it is from, and what will happen next, e.g., the customer will receive a coupon via email.


React Native SDK

A software development kit that enables Rokt advertisers to record in-app conversions, and partners to display in-app layouts within React Native applications.


A positive outcome of a customer's interaction with an Ad or Engagement Offer, or when a customer positively engages with and completes a transaction with an upsell offer.

Referral rate

The rate at which customers engage with the offer of your campaign. It displays the number of referrals as a percentage of impressions.

Referrals per transaction

Measures the number of referrals generated per transaction.

Reserve quality score (RQS)

The minimum expected value threshold in order to display a placement to the customer.


Return on Ad Spend (ROAS) is an estimate when click-thru acquisition or conversion amount fill rate is less than 100%. ROAS = Total (click-thru acquisition or conversion amount) or estimated total conversion amount / Gross cost x 100.

Rokt Ads

An exclusive performance advertising channel that captures the full attention of consumers at a critical moment in every buying journey: right after they’ve just completed a purchase on a leading ecommerce site, still with their credit card in hand.

Rokt Ecommerce

A product that partners can use to generate additional revenue by showing third-party acquisition offers. Rokt Ecommerce also offers the ability for partners to run internal campaigns to drive customer engagement.

Rokt Ecommerce Shopify application

Rokt’s Shopify application that allows Shopify store owners to become Rokt partners and monetize their confirmation page by showing Rokt layouts.

Rokt Tracking ID

A unique identifier that can be used for conversion attribution in place of email or phone number. The Rokt Tracking ID is generated when a customer accepts an offer; the advertiser can then provide the tracking ID to Rokt when a customer converts to close the attribution loop.

Rokt Transaction

A Transaction where Rokt selects at least one third party ad or upsell for rendering to the customer.


Measures the revenue generated per 1000 placement impressions. This metric takes into account the influences to value from the point where placement is successfully rendered.


Revenue per purchase. Measures revenue generated per purchase completed by a user.


Revenue per transaction. Measures the revenue generated per transaction completed by a user.


Software Development Kit (SDK)

A software package for third-party developers to initialize and run the Rokt product using a particular framework or platform.


Single page application. A web application (or website) that dynamically rewrites a single web page to facilitate page transitions.

Smart Bidding

A machine learning tool that adjusts bid prices based on an individual customer’s predicted conversion rate, order value, or incremental conversion rate.


A way of categorizing similar companies within a vertical based on industry or service provided.


Third Party

Owned by an independent business - for example, third party data owned by an unrelated business or third party Rokt Ads campaigns which are run by unrelated advertisers on your own site.

Time on site

Total time spent by customers on an advertiser’s landing page (in milliseconds). A customer is considered to bounce if they spend less than 2s on the site.

Total Page Transaction

Number of times that a given page view resulted in a transaction, irrespective of whether or not a placement was rendered. See also Page Transaction (P).

Total Transactions (TT)

Total number of client transactions including those that Rokt is not powering. This is used rarely, but sometimes during client ramp up we want to show the performance over the transactions Rokt is powering (T) vs the total client transactions (TT). Over time T should converge to TT as Rokt is fully deployed.

Total click thru acquisition amount

The total cumulative amount of click-thru acquisitions (e.g. total order amount).

Total conversion amount

The total cumulative amount of click-thru conversions (e.g., total order amount).


The outcome of a transaction journey. For most ecommerce sites, the transaction is a purchase, but it depends on the product or service provided by the partner.

Transaction Journey

A predetermined sequence of customer interactions on a partner's website or application that take place throughout one experience or during a given time frame.


A randomly selected customer, or group of customers, who are "exposed" to a particular experience or offer. Their behavior is measured and compared against a control group.


Unique Customer (U)

Number of unique customers over a period of time. This is typically used to measure outcomes on a per customer basis over time or across repeat visits (e.g., value per customer, incrementality).


An additional product or service that is added to the customer’s cart during the checkout process. Includes what is typically referred to as cross sell.

Upsell attachment rate

Measures the number of upsell conversions relative to the number of transactions.

Upsell conversion rate

The rate at which customers successfully purchase an Add-on item after engaging with a campaign that encourages them to complete that action.


Value per Transaction (VPT)

The value Rokt adds to a partner's transaction, taking into account ancillary revenue, average order value, and customer lifetime value.


A way of categorizing similar companies based on industry or service provided. Verticals are used by partners to control what types of offers are eligible to be displayed, and by advertisers to specify what types of partner sites their creatives should display on.



Rokt's suite of tools for integrating on a partner's site. Also used by advertisers for conversion attribution.

WebView SDK

An addition to the Rokt Web SDK that allows Rokt-related traffic links to be handled correctly inside hybrid mobile web applications.

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