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Transaction metadata


The list of attributes available for export depends on the data you have integrated through the Web or mobile SDKs.

AttributeData formatDescriptionExample Value
EmailEmailThe customer's raw email address (lowercase and leading/trailing whitespace removed)
First nameTextThe customer's first nameJohn, Jenny
Last nameTextThe customer's last nameSmith
ZIP/postal codeIntegerThe customer's zip/postcode10010, 2000, 37000
CountryTextThe customer's countryAustralia
GenderTextThe customer's genderMale, Female, Unknown
AgeIntegerThe customer's age25, 32
Date/timeDate/TimeThe date and time that the customer engaged with a Rokt placement43765.07083
SourceTextThe site where the customer engaged with a Rokt placementeBay, Ticketmaster
StateTextThe customer's stateCA, TX, NSW
SuburbTextThe customer's citySeattle, Sydney
MobileIntegerThe customer's phone number123456789
Birth dateDate/TimeThe customer's birth date33569
BrowserTextThe customer's browserChrome Mobile
Browser versionIntegerThe customer's browser version (major release)52
Browser version (full)DecimalThe customer's browser version (including major and minor release information)52.109
Country codeTextThe customer's country (in ISO two-digit format)AU
Industry category 1TextThe advertiser vertical of the offer shown in the first position that a customer opted in on your Rokt placement.
Industry category and category data is only applicable if a customer opted in to an offer. Otherwise, this data will be empty.
Media and Entertainment
Industry category 2TextThe advertiser vertical of the offer shown in the second position that a customer opted in to on your Rokt placementMedia and Entertainment
Industry category 3TextThe advertiser vertical of the offer shown in the third position that a customer opted in to on your Rokt placementMedia and Entertainment
Industry category 4TextThe advertiser vertical of the offer shown in the fourth position that a customer opted in to on your Rokt placementMedia and Entertainment
Industry category 1TextThe advertiser sub-vertical of the offer shown in the first position that a customer opted in to on your Rokt placementMusic, Movies and Photography
Industry category 2TextThe advertiser sub-vertical of the offer shown in the second position that a customer opted in to on your Rokt placementMusic, Movies and Photography
Industry category 3TextThe advertiser sub-vertical of the offer shown in the third position that a customer opted in to on your Rokt placementMusic, Movies and Photography
Industry category 4TextThe advertiser sub-vertical of the offer shown in the fourth position that a customer opted in to on your Rokt placementMusic, Movies and Photography
Date/time (UTC)Date/TimeThe date and time that the customer engaged with a Rokt placement43765.2375
DeviceTextThe device platform of the customer when they opted in to the offerMobile
Device manufacturerTextThe manufacturer of the device the customer used they opted in to the offer
Only applicable where Device is Mobile
Email (Base64)TextThe Base64 encoded value of the customer's raw email addressYmVsbGFyYW5raW5lQGdtYWlsLsNvbQ==
Email (SHA256)TextThe SHA256-hashed value of the customer's raw email addressce557bddaec244f160466aee7a71d812e
EnvironmentTextThe environment the placement was shown onPurchase
ExperienceTextThe experience the placement was shown onOverlay
LanguageTextThe language of the site that the customer engaged withen
IP addressDecimalThe customer's IP address110.175.91.30
Referral typeTextThe referral type of the offer the customer opted in toEmail
Publisher IDIntegerThe account ID in the Rokt platform that is associated with the placement that this customer engaged with2688429298725252468
Rokt identifierTextRokt internal identifier for a specific referral.
Length and format of this ID is subject to change.
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