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Rokt Calendar

Engage your audience through an entirely new marketing channel—Rokt Calendar. Drive results and measure impact with personalized outreach to each customer, sent when subscribers are most likely to engage.

Rokt Calendar is a marketing platform designed to increase lifetime value for engaged customers. By providing customers with an opportunity to add events to their calendar, either during/post a transaction or in discovery, you can build a set of valuable subscribers that are seeking opportunities to be reminded about your events.

Getting started

Setting up a new calendar to acquire subscribers is simple, and once complete you can promote the add-to-calendar call to action quickly and effectively across all of your assets with little to no development effort.

For examples of how Rokt partners have implemented Rokt Calendar on their websites, social media, email, and more, see our integration guide.


To understand where your subscribers are coming from and optimize your Rokt Calendar implementation, see our guide for using UTM tags.

Once your calendar is live, track and measure its success with key metrics available on our platform. Monitor the reach of your events and reminders based on the total number of subscribers, track the impact of each event with an engagement score, and attribute downstream actions via trackable links in each event.

CRM integration

Integrations with leading marketing CRM solutions facilitate effective one-to-one communication with subscribers, so you can segment and push targeted events into customers' calendars in the same way you manage your performance marketing campaigns.

See our integration guides for Braze and Salesforce Marketing Cloud.


If you have any questions, reach out to:

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