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Add UTM tracking to a Calendar URL

To add tracking, just append a snippet of code to the end of your calendar URLs, listing the source, medium, and campaign you want to track.

Each would need to be defined as indicated below:

  • utm_source=source_name
  • utm_medium=medium_name
  • utm_campaign=campaign_name

Using all of the above, the full string to be appended to the URL should look like this: ?utm_source=source_name&utm_medium=medium_name&utm_campaign=campaign_name

An appended URL should look like this:

Adding the snippets of code after the question mark doesn't affect anything on the page—anything after the question mark just lets our system know that someone arrived through a certain source or overall marketing channel as part of a certain campaign.

Using these tracking tools allows you to measure your performance in a real and tangible way, ensuring that you are getting the most out of your Rokt Calendar account.

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