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Event Feed Integration

Automating the creation of events is the most scaleable way of ensuring your subscribers receive relevant events with the latest information. Integrating an event feed with Rokt Calendar programmatically populates your calendars with events without the need for manual intervention in our platform.

If you have an API, feed or flat file that contains data that can be used to create events, please reach out via your account manager if this is something you would like to explore.


Each integration is custom built by the Rokt Calendar engineering team, meaning we are able to be flexible and can often re-use existing data or feeds you have available.

In order to successfully populate the calendar, at a minimum you will need to provide:

  • Calendar - required; if you have more than one calendar, we need to know which calendar this event should be added to.
  • Event Title - required; the name or headline of the event.
  • Event Location - optional; often used as a "call to action" and is shown to users in the calendar notification.
  • Event Description - optional; provide any additional content for the body of the event.
  • Event Tags - optional; if your calendar has event tags, we need to know what tags to apply to the event.
  • Event Start Time - required; the date and time that the event will start.
  • Event End Time - required; we can also define a event duration e.g. 60 mins to configure the end time of each event dynamically.

Where data is not readily available, we can hardcode or add rules to determine the values. When configuring the integration, we will work closely with you to map and create the calendar events based on the data you can provide.


Below is an example payload you would ideally send or make available to create the calendar events.

"calendarId": <calendar Id: string>
"title": <calendar title: string>
"description": <calendar description: string>
"culture": <calendar culture code:string, e.g.: en-US>
"events" : [
"eventId" : <event Id: string>
"title" : <event title: string>
"location" : <event location: string>
"tags" : <event tags: string>
"start" : <event local start time: datetime(ISO 8601), e.g.:2018-10-24T16:33:00>
"end" : <event local end time: datetime(ISO 8601), e.g.:2018-10-24T16:33:00>
"timezone" : <event IANA timezone: string, e.g.: America/New_York >
"allDayEvent": <is all-day event: boolean, e.g.: true>
"notifyBefore": <reminder minutes: integer, e.g.: 15>


If you have any questions, reach out to your Rokt Calendar Account Manager or the engineering team at

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